Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Actor's Spotlight: Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks, America's dad, nicest guy in Hollywood, the Jimmy Stewart of modern times, also one of our best and most popular actors for most of my lifetime. Starting out in dumb TV comedies like Bosom Buddies and quickly graduating to dumb feature length comedies like Bachelor Party, it wasn't really until he did Big that people took notice of him as an actor.

He scored his first Oscar nomination and 5 short years later won the first of back to back Oscars for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump. He's shown that he's adept at simple rom-com lead roles, and he's shown himself quietly ambitious in his choice of projects, choosing things like Cloud Atlas and Joe Versus the Volcano that many others would've passed on. What do you think of Mr Hank Toms?

My ratings for his movies:
  1. Cloud Atlas - 10/10
  2. Joe Versus the Volcano - 10/10
  3. Toy Story 3 - 10/10
  4. Toy Story - 10/10
  5. Forrest Gump - 10/10
  6. Big - 9/10
  7. Road to Perdition - 9/10
  8. That Thing You Do! - 9/10
  9. Saving Private Ryan - 9/10
  10. Apollo 13 - 9/10
  11. The Green Mile - 9/10
  12. Charlie Wilson's War - 8/10
  13. The Simpsons Movie - 8/10
  14. Philadelphia - 8/10
  15. You've Got Mail - 8/10
  16. Catch Me if You Can - 8/10
  17. The Great Buck Howard - 8/10
  18. Cast Away - 7/10
  19. Splash - 7/10
  20. A League of Their Own - 6/10
  21. Sleepless in Seattle - 6/10
  22. Dragnet - 6/10
  23. The Money Pit - 6/10
  24. Toy Story 2 - 6/10
  25. The Terminal - 6/10
  26. The Polar Express - 6/10
  27. Volunteers - 6/10
  28. The Burbs - 5/10
  29. Turner and Hooch - 5/10
  30. Bachelor Party - 5/10
  31. The Man with One Red Shoe - 5/10
  32. The DaVinci Code - 5/10
  33. Punchline - 4/10
  34. The Bonfire of the Vanities - 3/10

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